
I offer a full range of Doula services from pregnancy and birth to postnatal support. I am able to share a wealth of information and experience about the following topics, among others:

  • Birth planning including Physiological birth, Home birth, comfort measures, biomechanics and consideration of possible interventions.
  • Preparing for a positive medical birth experience e.g. induction or C section.
  • Hypnobirthing 
  • Breastfeeding 
  • Safe sleeping, including bed sharing
  • Baby wearing

I am part of the wonderful birth working community in Norfolk, and am happy to signpost  to specialists if extra support is needed.

Some families choose Doula support through the whole journey, some just need it at particular times. I am happy to build a package around you, with the aim of meeting your needs and expectations.

Birth Preparation

During these sessions you learn about the physiology and hormones of birth.

I encourage you to consider many factors to draw up Plan A: your intended and ideal birth. 

We think about the location and environment that you wish to give birth in, how can you ensure you feel safe, in control, cared for and private. Would you like to wait for labour to start naturally or consider an induction? Would you like to be offered pain relief or other comfort measures, such as a water birth, Rebozo, TENS machine? 

Who would you like present, who will help you to bring the baby to you when they are born? We plan for the birth of the placenta, when or if would you like the cord to be cut.

So many tiny details go into planning the birth of your dreams, and by considering each element you prepare for the best possible experience. 

We also prepare a plan B (in case you need some intervention) and plan C (Cesarean section) in case things change, and you feel this is in the best interests of you and/or your baby. If you require extra support during your birth, there are still many choices available, and I will equip you so that you still feel in control, whatever happens. 

Birth preparation can include Hypnobirthing, with resources from Birth Prep in a Box, which covers hypnosis, relaxation, mindfulness, breathing techniques and visualisations, all to prepare your mindset for a positive birthing experience. 

Breastfeeding Support

Having breastfed my children for almost 6 years in total, I have gained a wealth of knowledge to share with expectant and new parents. 

We can talk through your expectations, fears, and questions to help you prepare for the realities of breastfeeding. 

You can learn about how milk is made,  normal infant feeding behaviour, and tips to optimise positioning and attachment in advance of baby's arrival so you feel prepared to achieve those first feeds. 

Once your baby has arrived, I can support with common breastfeeding challenges, such as troubleshooting sore nipples. For more complex feeding challenges I can signpost you to expert support such as a Breastfeeding Counsellor, or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). 

Birth Doula

As a birth Doula I am on call from around 38 weeks gestation until your baby arrives, and will attend your birth wherever you choose.

I offer emotional and practical support, and comfort measures such as Rebozo, gentle massage and words of encouragement. I am a grounding, reassuring and familiar presence during birth, ensuring you feel safe and supported. 

I am also there to offer reassurance to your birth partner, and if you choose to have other children present I will support their feeling of safety and comfort. 

I can manage the practicalities of preparing your birth space and tidying away afterwards, leaving you to be able to focus on the birth and your new baby.

Postnatal Support

Adapting to life with a new baby can be challenging and tiring no matter whether it is your first baby or you're an experienced parent. A Postnatal Doula is there for you with support without judgement, whatever your parenting choices. This is a difficult to define service as it varies so widely depending on the needs of each family. Often parents won't know what they need in advance. Some parents book ahead, and some after the baby's arrival.

A postnatal Doula can offer:

Emotional support and companionship while you process the enormity of the changes in your life.

Help you with practical tasks If you feel like you've lost control of your household (no judgement!), or could do with an extra pair of hands. 

Support with feeding, sleeping, or caring for your newborn.

Confidence and practical help on your first trips out with your newborn.

And much more!

Birth Prep in a Box

Birth preparation and Hypnobirthing.

Created by Sarah Drawwater of 'The Nostalgic Doula.'

These resources offer a structure to our birth preparation sessions, where we talk through each aspect of birth. You are able to find impartial and evidence based information by using the extensive search engine on The Nostalgic Doula website if there are particular topics about which you need more information.

My Hypnobirthing course includes a full set of beautiful printed cards for you to keep, including all birth preparation cards and an exclusive set of hypnobirthing cards available to facilitators and their clients. 


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