Packages and Pricing

Birth Preparation

3 sessions including full Hypnobirthing course £350

Gain an in depth understanding of the process of birth and how to optimise your mindset and environment for an empowering experience. 

Consider your options for birth, feel informed and prepared for your unique birth experience. Find out which topics you'd like to research in more depth, and receive signposting to further resources to find out more.

Resources from the wonderful Birth Prep In a Box, including a beautiful set of information cards for you to keep. 

  • Hormones of birth
  • Stages of labour.
  • Practicalities/ environment
    • Location
    • Pain relief/ comfort measures
    • Biomechanics for birth
    • Microbiome
    • Vitamin K
    • Knowing your rights
    • Decision making
    • Birth Plan writing


To promote feelings of calm during pregnancy, labour and birth.  Learn the science behind how our subconscious beliefs impact the birth experience, and how to optimise your mindset for birth with a whole toolbox of techniques. 

  • Breathing techniques
  • Visualisations
  • Mindfulness
  • Self Hypnosis
  • MP3 recordings including guided visualisations, full body relaxation, birth partner track.
  • Beautiful blank affirmation cards for personalisation.


Virtual Doula 'in your pocket' £250

Following on from the above Birth Preparation, you can have my remote support via phone and message until the birth of your baby. This can be to discuss any issues arising and to encourage your growing confidence moving towards the birth. 

If at the last minute you decide to have my presence at your birth, and I am available (e.g. I'm not already attending a birth, or on holiday) then you can, for an additional £500. This is not an 'on call' service, my availability is determined on a day by day basis. 

Breastfeeding Workshop

2 hours £60

Discuss your hopes and expectations, and any fears or questions about breastfeeding.

  • What's in breastmilk?
  • How milk is made
  • Normal infant feeding behaviour.
  • Positioning and attachment
  • Common breastfeeding issues

Available before or after the birth of your baby.

I also offer one to one breastfeeding support to answer any questions you have about common issues in breastfeeding. See Postnatal Doula Support. 

If you need support for more complex issues, I can signpost you on to experts for specialist input. 

Birth Doula

Standard Birth Doula package  £1500

Initial discovery call (free of charge) to see if we will be comfortable working together, and to ensure I am the right doula for you! This is a 'vibe check' and we don't need to go into loads of detail about your birth plans.

I am available  during working hours from the point of booking to answer queries via message or voice note, meaning you don't need to wait until our first appointment for a chat. I am there to support you every step of the way. 

3 Birth Preparation sessions as described above. 

Dedicated support throughout the on-call period (usually from 38 weeks pregnant), when I am on call 24/7 to attend your birth in your chosen location, offering practical and emotional support during the birth and in the time immediately following birth (clearing up, supporting with the first feed etc). I will stay until you feel comfortable for me to leave you to enjoy privacy with your family and new baby. 

One 3 hour postnatal visit to reflect on the birth, and for practical and emotional support, for example with feeding, and signposting to information. You can decide if you want any further postnatal support from me, and we can discuss booking in postnatal sessions if you wish. 

With phone and message support for up to 4 weeks after the birth, I am still by your side as you adjust to life with your new baby. 

Complete Birth Doula package £1800
(Recommended for first time parents)

This includes all the support you could need from a birth Doula, you will feel fully prepared and excited for birth! 

You will receive everything in my standard package plus an additional antenatal session, which can include a breastfeeding workshop, newborn care, newborn sleep, basics of baby wearing, detailed fourth trimester planning or any other subject you wish to cover. This session is bespoke to your needs! 

I'll also be available to attend midwife or hospital visits with you, to help you process information and ask questions, and supporting you to advocate for yourself. 

Postnatal Doula

weekdays 9.30-2.30 £25 hour 
Weekend £30 hour
Evening/overnight £35 hour
Minimum 3 hour appointments.

Postnatal support to meet your family's needs after the arrival of your baby. This may include practical support around the home, support to care for your baby including breastfeeding, emotional support. 
Please ask about any specific needs your family has, I am flexible and resourceful! 

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